2024 Bull Sale

The Davis family's Coonamble Angus on-property bull sale at Bremer Bay on Tuesday may not have reached the record-breaking highs of last year, but when the selling season finishes it will rank up there as one of the best.

Despite being back on last year, the sale last Tuesday was extremely solid and consistent from start to finish, with prices hitting at high of $32,000 twice, while it averaged $13,492 for the 126 bulls offered and sold as buyers chased their preferred sires.

In comparison, in last year's sale when the cattle market was much stronger and the season much better, the stud offered and sold 126 bulls to State record top price of $106,000 and a State record single vendor sale average of $18,262.

Like last year's record breaking sale, this year's terrific result - despite not being as strong as last year - was once again built on the back of strong buying right through the sale by 66 registered buyers in the shed, who were all mainly commercial producers.

The first bull to hit $32,000 in the sale was Coonamble Paratrooper T96, which was catalogued in lot nine, when it was knocked down to the Bairstow family, Arizona Farms, Lake Grace.

The April 2022-drop AI-bred calf is sired by Millah Murrah Paratrooper P15 and out of Coonamble R15 and ranks in the top one per cent of the breed for 200, 400 and 600-day weights, mature cow weight and eye muscle area - as well top 2pc for scrotal size (SS) and docility.

Along with this bull, the Bairstows purchased another three to finish with a team of four at an average of $23,250.

Also in the Bairstows team at $30,000, which was the sale's second top price, was an ET-bred Heiken Broadview and Coonamble Q489 son - Coonamble Broadview 73 - in lot six.

It ranks in the top 1pc for 200-day weight and top 3-5pc for 400 and 600-day weights and SS.

The other bull to hit $32,000 was the ET-bred Coonamble Goalkeeper T675 in lot 24 when it was knocked down to Arkle Angus, Munglinup.

The September 2022-drop bull is by Baldridge SR Goalkeeper and out of Coonamble P392.

It ranks in the top 1pc for 400-day weight and foot angle and top 2pc for 200 and 600-day weights.

Also in the sale, Arkle Angus picked up a second sire for $16,000.

By Jodie Rintoul - Farm Weekly


2023 Bull Sale